Sunday, May 16, 2010

Summer garden step two

Today the Zucchini San Pasquale went in.  I have grown this three years now and just love the flavor.  The vines don't run, but that is not to say the plants are small.  I planted an Italian melon, melon rampicante zuccherino. The melons are 2 to 2.5 pounds and are said to taste great with parma or other hams.  Yum!  I put two short rows of of cucumber beth alpha.  These are a thin  skin, burpless early cuke.   And lastly I planted two short rows of bush bean, Tavera, a french filet type. 

The favas are almost done.  They have stopped flowering.  The snap peas are coming in just on time.  Good luck there.  There was a second fava bed.  They came up from a winter cover crop.  I pulled them this weekend.  The beans were no where like my saved seed.  The pods were small and tough. They will make great compost.

Love working in the garden this weekend.  Loved it.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Transplants and more seeds

I transplanted my starts Saturday. I put in the Basque peppers, the Genovese basil, white ribbed chard and the white eggplants  (seeds from Monticello) as well as the flower, Salpiglosis.  I also purchased and transplanted 4 common sage and a rosemary officinalis named Tuscany. 

I then started some more seeds, one set is a new pepper that a friend gave me, Padron peppers.  These are a pepper that is sauteed and served with salt as a tapas dish. I am hoping enough will come up to grow some for myself and to give her for her garden when she returns from travels. I also planted flat leaf parsley, borage, chives, and a columbine variety, Mrs. Scott Elliott.  I also tucked a few Detroit Red beet seeds directly into the bed with peas and carrots.  It was a lovely day!